
[Report title]

Date of Meeting:

[Insert all meetings at which the report will be considered]

Report of:

[Relevant Executive Director]

Contact Officer:


[Report author]


01273 29




Ward(s) affected:

All [If not All, insert affected wards]


Important: Before proceeding please note the following: A report should not usually exceed 4 sides of A4. Reports are for electronic viewing and how they will be appear on screen should be taken into consideration.


All reports and appendices must be released as final versions via the report management system on the Democratic Services intranet by 10am seven working days before the meeting. (Reports submitted after this time will be treated as late and circulated as part of an addendum and will require the reason for being late paragraph to be completed by the report author.


As a rule, the headings listed in bold below must not be amended or deleted.


We strongly advise that you refer to the Report Writing Guide for further guidance on expectations in relation to report writing


FOR GENERAL RELEASE/ NOT FOR PUBLICATION [Delete one as applicable].  


[Complete the following paragraph if the report is confidential. Part 7.1 of the Constitution sets out the rules on confidential items. If necessary consult with Legal Services or Democratic Services]


Note:   The public are likely to be excluded from the meeting during consideration of this report as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph (X) of schedule 12A, Part 1, to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

[Delete if not applicable].


[Complete the following paragraph if the report is to be taken as an urgent item, as well as the one below regarding lateness]

By reason of the special circumstances, and in accordance with section 100B(4)(b) of the 1972 Act, the Chair of the meeting has been consulted and is of the opinion that this item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency for the following reason…

[Delete if not applicable].


[Complete the following paragraph if the report is to be published late]

Note: The special circumstances for non-compliance with Council Procedure Rule 3, Access to Information Procedure Rule 5 and Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), (items not considered unless the agenda is open to inspection at least five days in advance of the meeting) were that…

[Delete if not applicable].




[Brief one paragraph summary of what you are asking the decision maker to do and why]


1.1         The


1.2         The


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    

[Clear and freestanding with one sentence per recommendation, setting out exactly what the decision maker is being asked to do. Type each recommendation into a new row].


2.1         That


2.2         That

(See Report Writing Guide)



[Main body of the report including relevant background information (but not a full history), the context in relation to relevant council policies and priorities and relevant facts, figures.  Continue to number each new paragraph where sub-headings headings are used and follow principles of: brevity; clarity; simplicity (so no special knowledge required. If an initial report was taken to Procurement Advisory Board (PAB) set out the PAB outcome here)].







[Include consideration of arguments for and against the recommendations and details of any alternative options considered and discounted].







[Set out any internal and external engagement and consultation carried out in relation to the proposals in the report and any responses.  State whether the Community Engagement Framework and Standards have been used, what forms of Engagement have been carried out or are planned and how any feedback and results have been incorporated into the content of the report. If no community engagement or consultation has been carried out, please state the reasons why not]


If you have any feedback on community engagement, please email




6.         CONCLUSION

[Summarise key reasons for the decision that is being sought, justifying why the recommendations should be approved and the proposed/recommended course of action.].








Financial Implications:

[Address all capital and revenue financial and property implications arising out of the report proposals.  This section must be completed/approved by relevant finance officer] see Report Writing Guide




            Finance Officer Consulted:     Name                                             Date: dd/mm/yy


Legal Implications:

[Address legal implications, including power to carry out the proposals and any legislation that affects the proposals.  This section must be completed/approved by the relevant lawyer] see Report Writing Guide




            Lawyer Consulted:                   Name                                             Date: dd/mm/yy


Note: Both the Financial and Legal Implications paragraphs need to be completed by respective finance and legal officers and therefore draft reports should be made available for review through the report management system at least 5 working days before the deadline for the report to be released for the pre-meeting. 


Contact the Democratic Services Officer responsible for the committee for advice.


            Equalities Implications:

[State whether an Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out or is planned and how any known results have been incorporated into the content of the report. If no EIA has been carried out state the reasons why not. Contact: advice.

The equalities implications should also reference any aspects affecting staffing or people across the organisation e.g. TUPE considerations.





Homelessness Implications:

[Outline any direct impacts caused by the].




            Sustainability Implications:

List any sustainability impacts or implications that are not included elsewhere in the report. Contact: for advice




Brexit Implications:

[Outline any direct impacts caused by the UK’s exiting the EU and please refer to the LGA’s Brexit Advice Hub for more information on areas of local government that may be affected].






Any Other Significant Implications:


Include here any other implications that are significant and need to specifically be drawn to members’ attention. Consider if there are significant crime and disorder, risk and opportunity management, public health, corporate/citywide implications. Try to include these in the body of the report where possible or otherwise list them in appendix 1.


Please note that any of the implications listed below can be included in the body of the report under the heading Any Other Significant Implications and especially where they have a significance that should be drawn to Members’ attention. Otherwise list them here in appendix 1 or state that there are ‘None’ under the heading in the report and delete this appendix and upload any relevant appendices to the report.



            Crime & Disorder Implications:

[Consider the effect of the proposals on the council’s duty to prevent crime and disorder].




            Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:

[Set out how risks and opportunities have been assessed and details of any risk management actions planned]. Contact:




            Public Health Implications:

[This section should reflect the council’s commitment to improve Public Health and Wellbeing and to Reduce Inequalities across the city - health, equalities & wellbeing tool kit is available to help report writers complete this section].


There are naturally some overlaps with the Equalities and Sustainability sections.  Consider the effect of the proposals on the council’s duty to promote the public health and wellbeing of people in its area.




            Corporate / Citywide Implications:

[Set out how the proposals support the council’s priorities and their effect on other services, other agencies and the city as a whole].









Any appendix should be referenced in the main body of the report and ideally uploaded as a separate document to the report itself in the report management system.  The report and appendices then being released via the report management system as a final version no later than 10am seven working days ahead of the committee meeting.


Note: Any supporting documentation to the report can be sent to the relevant Democratic Services Offices ahead of the meeting for placement online for Members and the public to access electronically ahead of the meeting.







Background Documents

[List any background / supporting documents referred to or used in the compilation of the report.  The documents must be made available to the public upon request for four years after the decision has been taken].



